Kurenai no Tsuribashi Bridge

The Shiobara Imagination Archives are situated below a red suspension bridge that crosses the Houkigawa River, its length is 52.5 meters. Kurenai no Tsuribashi suspension bridge, and the area is renowned as one of the best places in Shiobara to view the fall leaves. There is a 900 meter long walking trail across the bridge that tourists can use to enjoy the fall foliage and mountain stream scenery. The Japanese maples and other trees visible from the bridge are particularly lovely.

This was built in 2003 and I t is well-known for being a fantastic location to see Shiobara's autumnal hues. The best time to see the amazing autumnal foliage next to the picturesque mountain stream is from late October to early November.

We drove over three hours to arrive to this spot in a private vehicle. The route is filled with breathtaking scenery, which adds to the fun and excitement of the journey. The magnificent and colorful trees on the mountains around you and the colorful trees along the roadways. It was a pleasant ride and experience for me, and despite my frequent visits to this location, I continue to be in awe of its beauty and the pleasant view it provides.

Despite the fact that this location is well-known for its beauty, it is not as crowded as we had anticipated. We were able to capture quality pictures without being concerned about the crowd. Also, keep in mind that even though it is Sunday when we visited this location, it's not that lot of people came to admire its beauty.

Our Youtube Video

The video above shows our visit to the Kurenai no Tsuribashi Bridge. Please watch the video to have a better idea of how stunning and amazing this location is. Additionally, if you would be so kind as to visit our modest YouTube account, please like, comment, and subscribe. More videos are available there.

Our Final Take

This location is fantastic! When you are nearby Tochigi prefecture, you must visit this location. This location is worth seeing because of the stunning beauty and ideal landscape it offers, as well as the amazing views along the route and in the surrounding area. Come on over, the Shiobara neighborhood has a lot to offer all year long.

Make sure to visit this location during autumn season (it's the perfect time for a perfect beauty) and try to conduct some online research to determine the ideal time for the nearby red, orange, and colorful trees. However, as I've already mentioned, this location has a lot to offer year-round.

Our Rating:       (9/10)

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